Our Only Hope: He Heals the Brokenhearted… (Psalm 147:3-6)

The Abuse Expose' with Secret Angel

The last 2 days, there has been an urgency  in my spirit  as I continue to pray for victims of sex trafficking, especially now as the New Jersey and New York areas are being saturated with people including sex traffickers and their victims for the festivities surrounding this year’s Super Bowl. The hotels, motels, and various places will have these sex trafficking victims seeking clients to meet their given quotas. I pray for massive numbers of people and authorities to be trying to find them and rescue them as I pray for a Mighty Move of God to deliver these victims from bondage. My heart breaks for these girls and young women who have become trapped in these situations.

Then, this morning as I read my Bible,

Psalm 147: 3-6 spoke to me as a message for all of these victims…

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