Love or injustice

Tamar was a beautiful submissive and obedient princess, the daughter of Israel’s greatest hero King David. Unfortunately her evil and spoiled half brother, Amnon, lusted after her and set a diabolical plan to trap her. He pretended to be sick and had his father, King David, send his sister to tend to him. When they were alone he raped her. How can this story get any worse? King David did absolutely nothing. (2 Samuel 13:1-15)

Obviously David loved his first born son and did not want to do him any harm. However is true love injustice? David appeared to have confused the two. Love should never be an excuse for injustice or it will surely lead to greater destruction and evil.

Since David stood idly by, the brother of Tamar, Absalom, took the law in to his hands and had Amnon killed. (2 Samuel 13:28-29) Did David stand idle by again? He certainly did. It appeared that David had way too much “love” to do anything.

Absalom, also David’s son, must have realized his father’s powerlessness when it came to acting against his sons. He grew more bold and daring. Some might say he was affected by delusions of grandeur. Absalom began a rebellion in hopes of seizing his father’s thrown.(2 Samuel 15:10-12)

David would win the war and preserve his kingdom but not before he would see the death of a second son, Absalom. David’s inability to exact justice led to war and the lost of many lives.(2 Samuel 19:19)

For Christians love is a major theme in our lives but should never be confused with injustice. Justice though painful at times is an expression of love for the victim and the perpetrator. Perpetrators should learn that their acts are unacceptable. They too must be taught right from wrong and encouraged to do what is right for their own benefit. This is love as surely as a loving parent disciplines their children in the hope that they will be better for it.


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Baby hope, an abandoned gift.

Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

Recently baby hope was identified. Her name is Angelica Castillo. This was a child believed to have been 4 years old when she was sexually abused and killed. The police also have evidence that she suffered from malnutrition, tied to at table and denied water as well. In truth we really don’t know the extent of the abuse. This happened over 20 years ago, but finally she was identified and the monster guilty of this heinous crime has been brought to justice.  There is much that needs to be said but the first thought that comes to mind is this precious life.

When Jesus was about the country of Judea he helped countless people and on one occasion there were several children that attempted to approach him. The disciples in their ignorance attempted to stop them. Perhaps they thought the master could not be bothered. But Jesus immediately corrected them and said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  (Matthew 19:14) These children had humility, submissiveness and a faith that is required to serve God.  Scripture also reveals that children are a great treasure. (Psalm 127:3, Proverbs 17:6)

Instead of being treated like the great gift that she was, Angelica Castillo was abandoned by her father and left in the hands of monsters.  How do we look upon our children now? Are they unwanted burdens, perhaps too costly for today’s economy? Are they a nuisance that often get in the way of our more important endeavors?

Children are beautiful creations temporarily placed in our care by God almighty. They are souls that the kingdom of heaven anxiously watches over. They must be raised with love and care that they may grow to be strong faithful men and women of God.

As for those who do not share these sentiments concerning children I leave this warning. You will meet God’s justice face to face, whether in this life or the next.

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