Waiting for a Miracle

He cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!”  And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, John 11:43,44

Lazarus was on his death bed.  He was surrounded by loved ones, his sisters Mary and Martha, and concerned neighbors.  But nobody could do anything for him except send for Jesus.  It’s exactly what we would do! It’s the right thing to do.  When all else fails and we need a miracle we always turn to God. But Jesus didn’t come.  How could the Messiah act like this?  How could He be so inconsiderate? He actually delays and Lazarus dies.

How often we have felt like God is just taking His time.  Letting us suffer, ignoring our call for help.  However, Jesus had not forgotten.  He showed up 4 days later.  Not 4 days late. With Just a few words He raised Lazarus from the grave!  A multitude witnessed the glory of God.  Their faith made whole, strengthened by such a sight, watching a dead man come to life. Many would believe for the first time and be saved.  It was God’s perfect time and God’s perfect plan.

There are times when God wants us to wait. When we wait our faith is tested.   When we wait our trust in God can grow.  It’s God’s way of underlining these great moments in our lives, so that we might never forget. We need this, for we are like the disciples caught in a storm.  After they had seen the dead rise, thousands fed, the blind see and countless other miracles they still doubted. They awoke Jesus in desperation proclaiming, “We perish.”  Jesus awoke and with a few words calmed the storm. (Matthew 8:25,26) They had forgotten who was in their presence.

Jesus said “I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:20) When we have been waiting a long time, for some much needed relief, it is easy to forget who is in our presence.  It seems like that problem is never going away.  We may feel hopeless, like Mary and Martha.  We feel like Jesus is just taking His sweet time or perhaps has gone on a trip. But we need to remember it’s His time and His will.  He will provide and it will be perfect and glorious. Until then we wait, for something great is just around the corner.  He has heard your cry.  He loves you, is faithful and will act mightily in your life.

Send comments to bibleaid@yahoo.com

Heart Trouble?

 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. ” JOHN 14:1-3

What troubles your heart?

Rising taxes, unemployment, bills, a broken car, family conflicts, relationships, sickness or even hunger could be part of an endless list. It’s not a perfect world, far from it. Pain, injustice and despair consistently enter our lives, just to remind us that it is a fallen world.  Maintaining your faith or just a positive attitude can be a challenge in the midst of all the trouble.

The disciples were no strangers to trouble.  They suffered mighty persecution at the hands of religious leaders of the day and the Roman empire.  History records that they were imprisoned, beaten, and killed.  Surely Jesus knew they would have cause for a troubled heart.  Was it unfair for Jesus to make such a request. “Let not your heart be troubled.”

Jesus knew the persecution would be great.  But he wanted them to trust in His promises. They surely did.  There’s was a life of power and faith. While suffering persecution, they were able to spread the gospel with joy in their hearts.  We can recall Paul and Silas singing in the prison after having been beaten and chained.  The prison walls would shake and crumble before God’s power.  Paul and Silas did not allow for their hearts to be troubled.  Instead they worshiped God .  We can do likewise when we remember Christ’s promises. “I go to prepare a place for you.”

Regardless of the trouble of this world we can keep our hearts trouble free by maintaining our faith in His promises.  He’s prepared a place.  He’s coming back for you and me and we will be with Him forever!

Send comments to bibleaid@yahoo.com