We will see you Iluminada


Heaven (Photo credit: irunandshoot)

There are few experiences in life that have a greater impact on our lives than the loss of a love one. These are the people who occupy our days, our minds and our hearts. So much of our memories are connected with them. While we enjoy their company, the last thing we want to consider is life without them. Then they are gone.

During the holidays, while many celebrate good times and happy moments, others are forced to remember the loss of a love one. In my church two officials loss their Mother, Iluminada, just a few days ago and today is her funeral.

There are no words that can bring her back. There are no words that can take the pain away. She will not be there when they call. She will not answer when they question. But they have a hope shared by us all. A hope that is real and no man can take away. We know we will see her again.

Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”(John 11:25-26) We do believe. We know that while we may pass from this world, the grave will not keep us. It will have to release us to be with Christ. It is with Him that we will be for all eternity. This is the abundant life promised to us. (John 10:10) When we lose a love one, we know that while we will not enjoy their company for a time, it will not be forever. For the time will come when we will all be reunited with our Savior.

Jesus reminds us of this fact in John 14:1-3 when he tells the disciples not to worry, because he was going to prepare a place for them and then He made a great promise. “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”

Then there will be no more death, no more pain, no more tears no more sickness, and no more suffering. (Revelation 21:4) Paul also explained that we will inherit a new body like that of our Savior Jesus Christ. Therefore those infirmities and handicaps that cause us great discomfort and pain will also be no more. (Philippians 3:21)

Our destiny and the destiny of our love ones, if we die in Christ, is to live for all eternity with our Lord. There remains only one question for us. Are we saved? Should we pass from this world, where is our destination? If there is any doubt, make the sinners prayer now.

A sinners Prayer

“Forgive me God for all my sins, I accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior of my life. I recognize His great Sacrifice on the cross. There He gave his life and shed His blood paying the price for my sin. I thank you for saving me in this very moment. I know that now I am your child. I ask that you give me the guidance and the strength that I may remain forever faithful to You and live the rest of my life obedient to your will.

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